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International Wine Brokerage Event

15 travnja, 2011 @ 15:51 - 17 travnja, 2011 @ 15:51

 Timis Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture is organizing in the frame of Enterprise Europe Network – Romania the Brokerage Event for Wine, during the International Wine Fair, VinVest 8th edition, taking place from 15th – 17th April 2011 in Timisoara.


The International Brokerage Event is ment to bring together wine producers, wine importers, technicians, researchers, technology transfer specialists, producers and distributors of accessories, packaging, restaurants and other wine professionals. The aim of bilateral meetings is to promote partnerships, to develop business relations.


The participation on Wine International Brokerage Event is free (includes acces to the International Wine Fair) . Participating companies are required to fill in a short profile of their organization in the registration form below. 


15 travnja, 2011 @ 15:51
17 travnja, 2011 @ 15:51